The official Good Morning, Good Night and just plain BS'n thread

Mornin yall


Well you knew that before you went, but, we can turn this sad news into something fun, I’ve seen it before

Ok ok, just kidding, tell us whats wrong and what we can add to your epitaph?

What, too soon?


Good morning, where do you live belt -fed. My name Chris actually, to any of our members reading this. :coffee:


You what your saying is …is that it is a mental illness :joy: or…

[quote=“Robert, post:1752, topic:328”]
Ok ok, just kidding, tell us whats wrong and what we can add to your epitaph?

Dont be embarrassed ED is nothing to be ashamed of .:joy::joy:


Chris its helpful to @ a user as they are more likely to get a notification, so I @kwyatt64 you to @Belt-Fed

FYI :wink:


After reading about The Wall Street Journals in depth article on Biden’s declining mental state, in the National Review and stories on fox; how can any democrat in congress or his administration; especially kamala look us in the eye or deny they knew since 2021. Anyone with a brain not a liberal observed this.
The joke that is legacy media was as complicit in the cover-up, and they want to now be taken seriously ? Really ?
Biden’s family ? Who bought them ? Who has been running the country. The travesty is that if Kamala had won this would never have been reported. Thank god as well that Musk’s warning helped kill the first funding bill.


No, that’s not the joke

their vote is a meaningless joke


Good morning fellow firearm defenders !!!


Mornin yall.
Yep they lied about Biden. They continued to lie after the debate when it was obvious that he was out to lunch. Anything to stay in power.


Anything to keep China in the loop and Ukraine gas money flowing


WV460HUNTERModerator/Big Bore Sixgunner


@Devereaux in your avatar pic you have a double holster set up with double sixguns with elk horn handles ?? Is that your rigset ?? Looks gorgeous

You gonna do somethin’? Or are you just gonna stand there and bleed?
Wyatt Earp, Tombstone

Long story. Last competition I did was SASS. Was a guy there who became a great friend, handle Longtooth, or Tooth for short. He had had an interesting life, but in his “golden years” he repaired horse blankets and made tack. Natural side job became making holsters mostly for the Cowboy crowd. I had had a set made for my USFA SAA’s. which I shot the first two years.

Went out and got a pair of Uberti Navy .36’s, which I had a guy up just over the border into WI convert to cartridge (Richards-Mason conversion). Then I had the barrels re-sleeved to .38 Spl specs. (Original C 'n B .36’s are usually about 0.359 bore.) That holster rig was made for me by Tooth to compete in CASS with. The rig is more or less authentic style of the time. Buckle was one I had gotten somewhere as a prize for one of the matches. I shot Gunfighter class and not too many shot that as most people were uncomfortable with shooting both hands.

The guns themselves had a long gunsmith hx. I had given them to a Cowboy gunsmith to “slick up”. HE proceeded to cut the end of the barrels off so the cylinders rotated properly, as the original conversion had not been done quite correctly. That didn’t work as it messed up the whole “lock-up” process of the old C&B open tops. So I took it to my trusted gunsmith, who welded on small wedges at the top of each barrel, then filed the welds until the gun worked properly. Last bit was the cylinder had been bored for .38 Long Colt (the POS round that didn’t stop the Huks in the Philippines). I could load .38 spl IF I made sure the OAL wasn’t too long to not allow the cylinder to properly rotate, but then got headspace issues. So I bought a reamer and swapped that for a cylinder rebore to correct headspace. So now, if I set the wedge out its farthest, I have the correct headspace for the cartridges.

To shoot with these I bought an Uberti Yellow Boy in .357 Mag and had IT slicked (properly) to be fast. Because Eddie was taking his time getting my Navies working, I bought a pair of USFA competition SAA’s in .357 Mag. They were identical to my .45’s so a lot heavier, and a dull black finish. I had ebony grips installed on them, with gold crosses on one side (so you could wear them showing or they were on the inside as you shot them).


Mornin yall




Longest night of the year tonight.


So longer days


The shortest day of the year happens to be my anniversary. 28yrs. Spent the Day with the dogs was a good day. Ran a mile on the treadmill and did the dishes and cleaned the stove and did some laundry :joy::joy:


Generally they start increasing by a minute every day until we reach the Longest day if the year …the Summer Solstice. In June. Which officially makes the beginning of summer and occurs around June 20,21,22 in 2025 it will occur on the 21st of June at 02:42hrs. At first each day will on increase by a few seconds then in March will start increasing by about 3min. Per day then drops back to 2min per day in May.before reaching the longest day again in June.


Afternoon yall


If the UN plan interests you this is a must listen


Inevitability they will gain control but hopefully we are able to delay them for quite awhile .@Robert