Ain’t nothin’ “inevitable” about it. We are in a new ballgame. Elon is the wild card, and Vivek is his sidekick. Together those two may render the Far Left stymied.
Cry Havoc and turn loose the dogs of war!
Ain’t nothin’ “inevitable” about it. We are in a new ballgame. Elon is the wild card, and Vivek is his sidekick. Together those two may render the Far Left stymied.
Cry Havoc and turn loose the dogs of war!
Morning all
Mornin yall
Is he?
And is that good?
What do we know?
I know as a Starlink customer I can no longer access my modem, and costs went up, that’s Microsoft, less access more money
And I don’t own one but understand if you own a Tesla you won’t be doing anything with it that’s not allowed via the UI, unless perhaps you can manage to get some good hacking hardware, maybe, still remote threats.
And SpaceX, a private taxi to the international space station?
Ok, what?
Not only do we not have a national space station, and are at war with Russia, but we don’t have national spacecraft to even reach it?
How exactly did Elon position himself there, and, now headed to the White House itself?
You sure about that?
X is hailed as the new media, but how is it different than Twitter?
Can we say its safe from bots, or algorithm manipulation, shadow banning or even outright removal?
So it looks good now, trust is given, rightfully so, or, a
Sounds like gambling without holding any good cards IMO.
Basically we are all fuked.
Meh, what do experts know, a couple years from now an unfuk can be uploaded direct into your brain
and at this rate
we can add criminals to the list too
one day a drain on society, the next day a contributor, hell, you too may become valuable, get rid of all those pesky individual thoughts and have you added as part of the collective, a hive member, completely unfuked, isn’t that great!
Maybe it’ll help with my memory.
I’ve had a bad memory for as long as I can remember.
Her recommendation is to just bend over and take it.???
Uh nope … I always never go down without a fight !!
She is from Harvard also same school that both Bushes and Obama went to school screw her and the Horse she rode in on.
She mentions Data ?? All I seen was a pie chart ??
From what point of view does her and her so called colleagues come from ??
I would say from the Democrats…
After Anthony Faucci I hold the words of experts in about as high of regard as a dog turd on the bottom of my boot.
The Borge !!!
It’s the Onion! You have heard of satire, haven’t you?
No I never heard of that …lol , I was like is that woman for reals … lol you got me @albroswift
You really lit her up. Good work!
You genuinely got me
In principle, Elon needs someone else to take over his companies once he joins the government. Ideally, many different people with constitutional ideals.
Maybe Elon is an exception, but he would set an exploitable precedent otherwise, of industry merging with government.
industry merging with government.
That is sorta been going on for a long time,
Boeing,Bombardier,Lockhead Martin and a few others with big arms and plane contracts calling the shots for money and contracts.
That is sorta been going on for a ling time,
True, but it wasn’t as blatant as a very famous CEO becoming VP.
Well, not VP, but an agency director