Remember I always liked you no matter what ethnicity you was hint hint … a line for me in your will
@Robert he probably got a hangnail sharpening the chain on the stihl.
Well, I guess I am about to sign off for the day.
Later Gators
Finished up the Cerakote on the 300 BO, Smoke Bronze and Tactical Gray, get in line for a can next time silencer shop has a sale.
I would like to try learning that cerakote technique. I always thought it would do really well to preserve some old guns .
Good morning y’all
Looks great by the way … @albroswift
Mornin Yall.
There are classes you can take to learn how to apply those coatings.
If the guns are collectable you dont want to mess with the original finish. That would hurt the value.
Seems we’re at a time where all guns are collectible
I am thinking preservation I don’t figure anything I own will ever be a true collectable but if I ever owned one I would not do that to them
Cerakote is kind of fun, and a bulletproof finish. Another even easier finish for old guns (that arn’t “collectable”) is parkerizing. And then there’s bulletproof coated bulletproof, Cerakote over parkerizing.
Morning all
Good Morning back at ya !
Mornin Yall
Morning folks
Good Morning fellow Sixgunners .!!
Anyine heard from @Belt-Fed sorta wondering about him. I tease thd crap outta him . Maybe I shouldnt …nah what am I thinking
Last I read he was seeing his Dr
The dr visit was not good. They cant help me.