Eh ??
No, you truly do not, I posted a review (below), rarely do, but this was blatant fraud and I uploaded photos too, well, wouldn’t you know it did not meet guidelines, so I edited it to be sure no guidelines were injured, with the same intent, warn others, that edit never appeared.
That a domaflotchy for a whatchamacallit ?
That’s all Ford puts in their trucks these days
So what causes this?
just a measly
This is a true crypto zombie, 2018 through today
Where will it be in a year?
There’s a reason i only buy auto parts from one of four places, Advanced, Autozone, O’Reilly, and Napa.
When your truck has over 300k miles you tend to be cheap with the parts you put in it never knowing what day may be the last
Never found them to have deals, but if I had your money it may not matter
Most recent example was pricing them for this
and as I recall my local store was even higher
Ordered one from Amazon instead
Now I can steer again
Sorry, not as important as the “GO” Pedal !!! Who needs to steer anways it’s overrated
Should get another motorcycle
no end links,tierods or ball joints just tires and pushing on the handle bars and leaning .
Yeah, but probably not for long. Chinese pot metal isn’t known for strength or durability,
lol, with over 300k miles how much longer do you think I plan for?
Oh, with your “mileage” plans are no longer relavent. I was thinking more the cheap Chink “metal” - makes some early Jspanese steel look positively armor.
With that cheap part probably out to the mailbox and back.
If you cant get another 300k outta that chicken chow mein then you aint even trying .seen lots of chevys do a cool million and they aint worth a plug nickel since 1972.
I’ve got over 300k on a ford taurus I’ve got.
@nightstryke you my friend must be a magician
My wife has 250000 on a 2008 Jeep Compass. She said she will drive it until it quits or we retire .
The magic is called “do the maintenance often.”
And may I ask what that means ?