I was honestly very concerned, when Full30 outsourced to Juxxi, I used that software originally for my own platform, but went with proprietary because while I support Open Source software it’s not perfect, neither is proprietary software unfortunately as I’ve had my fair share of problems too. But you do what you have to do. Good Luck with SixGuns!
Thank you and welcome,
No, the software is not particularly good, it barely qualifies as open source, barely, I’ll keep the stories to myself, I am using it here as I simply could not find better and it can be difficult, I have backups and snapshots and have had to use them.
Please feel free to share your platform
I’m the man behind the curtain at
Looks great, what software did you choose?
Were some of the problems with it specifically and if so worked out reasonably?
I’m using Viewshark. I saw that you’re using Avideo formerly YouPHPTube. I started GunTube using that years ago, but it doesn’t look as professional as it could, sure Daniel Neto’s done a lot of awesome work on it, but there are things he could have done better. Like the need to have a separate upload server from the actual website that always rubbed me wrong. My problems are finding the best CDN and storage mostly, I built a storage server for GunTube, but I’m still limited by the server’s uplooad speeds which aren’t fantastic, I really need to go with a good CDN but with all the anti-gun companies out there and their track record it’s not like I can use Amazon.
I’ll leave that there despite wanting to share more.
Part of the problem is not enough need to pool talent, as I said, part of the problem.
Not familiar but a bit alarmed
Those seem the easiest to find in my experience, everything else not so much, The hosting world is full of asshats, 20 years ago I was a reseller with Routhost and didn’t realize how good I had it until I went looking to get back into it last year, I gave up trying, not that many genuine choices, lots of resellers reselling the same damn source in the US and nothing offshore availed itself as worthwhile.
Amazingly yes you can and a ton of people do, when might they yank the rug, well look behind the curtain elsewhere and you’ll likely find godaddy up the chain, after NZ Christchurch godaddy showed their colors.
So, if you can keep up with Amazon, pffft, way more tech than I care to work, you might be happy, I have an account but don’t use it, old dog new tricks
Its likely everyone will need an internet ID in the not to distant future, that would mean total control and we won’t have to worry about who hosts what.
Huh their website works fine for me, either way, after what Amazon did to Arfcom I’m not trusting them with any data pertaining to firearms as they’ll just drop your account and website.
Not familiar, any info to share?
I had to switch browsers
Amazon and GoDaddy killed their website and they had to seek alternative hosting services. Though that was in 2021, I’m still cautious of any large corporation, it’s too easy for anti-gun tendencies to emerge when using the services of large corporations.
This is the GoDaddy response on the issue.
The Amazon angle I’d not heard of and was questioning, not that I doubt it, just that I don’t know of it being the case.
Godaddy was off my list when they scrubbed sites over the NZ Christchurch video as that video was a cheap fake, all people needed to do was watch it to see for themselves, yet they booted domains that hosted it, that is 180* from being open and free, that statement claims a specific post, I wonder what it was?
A video perhaps that showed shotgun blasts that didn’t break car windows?
CGI where shell casings disappeared
Bodies already stacked along a wall when the shooter entered the Mosque? etc etc
I never wanted to watch it for what it was reported to be, but when prompted to watch for what it actually was I did and the evidence was clear, it was fake BS and Godaddys actions condoned it, helped make it real in the minds of untold millions who would never get to see it and judge for themselves.
That video justified the making of a police state, sets the stage for religious war as well, creates an enemy, creates soldiers for a cause
Once these things are seen in a particular light
then other things too are seen in that same light
I can’t even use my Amazon account anymore, won’t let me past the captha, won’t let me make a new account, just like Instagram and X, run me around in digital circles for hours wasting time thinking I can fix the “mistake” since I am not a bot. They all locked up about the same time as I posted FEC website links in response to my federal representatives claims on X account last December, post Elon and the new “free speech” promotion. Freedom of speech, not reach… who said that?. facebook also tells me I already have an account but when I try to sign into that account it tells me it doesn’t exist, which it shouldn’t have?
uhhh, you got problems
Guessing you’re using stock PC software, try to download another browser, something easy, its not what it used to be or purports to be but firefox is easy
Vivaldi are good people, not quite as easy to set up but its not funded by google (like firefox)
Either or both of those should help you isolate your difficulties
I have tried firefox, I use Brave mostly. reloaded and tried with chrome and explorer, same deal, fail captha, you already have an account on that name, just a myriad of different bullshit. I could go to the hassle of creating some new digital id I suppose but they really are not that important, I really only did the X account as a test of the promise knowing how sensitive they are about FEC links, the only time I got a personal call from my congressman was when I sent him a link to an FEC donation and asked for an explanation, he said it was an error, further research showed it was not. The FEC site is a very powerful political tool that is sorely overlooked and underutilized by the public… just don’t post a link.
I’m overlooking it, what is it?
Are you struggling with the space ring captcha?
While I like firefox, I also use Opera GX as I’m a video game enthusiast, blame the nintendo i got for Christmas in 89. And I also tend to use Brave a lot too.
I have not heard of or tried Vivaldi, I’ll look it up.
Well, They’re who invented Opera, which is where Chrome got its beginning codes,(borrowed is a nice term) awesome group of guys, they sold it (Opera) to the Chinese, if you weren’t using it before the change it was a drastic, I removed all of it and was a long time user, they went on to create Vivaldi, Firefox is still Mozilla but they needed money and now cater to Google, not the Firefox that was once trusted, I work hard to keep Google out of my PC, its not easy, start with not having Chrome that’s for sure, Microsoft is no different, can’t remove their browser but surely never open it either.
yeah, I once was also, first person shooter, began with MOH, BF2 and a couple others, used TS, did the clan thing, rented servers etc etc, surely an adrenaline fix, one day I added the hours I played, what a waste, I sold everything and haven’t looked back, pretty much just another drug.
I used to play fighting games , oldest borrowed my XBox never brought it back. That was 3 yrs ago
First line on the home page;
Protecting the integrity of the campaign finance process
if anyone cares to read. That last part was mine.
Sometimes the choices seem very clear but I just fail, sometimes I can’t make out the blur they put up. Seems like there is another fail mode but it isn’t coming to me. Amazon says it is sending a code but never does, checked all the folders it just doesn’t arrive. Been buying things on that account since 2007 or so but hadn’t used it since they used their server to block the Hunter laptop, trying to make sure what little ammo I have doesn’t go to help the wrong people. I used it to check reviews and prices on things, research, but didn’t buy there anymore, now I don’t get to look at all the reviews and easily compare products