Surely many visitors are wondering ???
I had a good long discussion yesterday with one of the owners and it appears there’s a solid plan to get back in the game, and also secondary plans if needed, in short, no one has thrown in the towel but the need for a new way of doing things is clear.
That should be apparent over the next couple of weeks.
And the forum I’m told is not lost but I can still not log in to recover it, once that’s solved I’ll take the redirect to here down so make sure to bookmark this site.
I did solicit Full30 for some help for this site and was given more than I asked for
There will be as I can see an ongoing unity between Sixguns and Full30 and also perhaps more parties yet to be disclosed
That said I am very pleased with the commitment both from Full30 to help Sixguns into this new phase of its existence and also of all the contributing members here
It may well be this support group idea ends up being a cross platform system, contributors with one site gain access to another, it was never part of any past plan short of a donation link, and those donations truly helped pay some bills, it seems plausible if this support group had been implemented things may have been further ahead, but that’s how we learn.
And still in the formation stage for here:
- Wordpress installation for the main site with the articles forming a blog
- Video side for members
- Signatures for members
- Custom titles for members
[email protected]
email addresses for members- private access boards for members
- and now cross platform access for members
We are discussing these things in the members area, it is difficult to calculate what options to put at what levels of support, but we need support and why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free?
If everything is free why would anyone help support, if all benefits are given at the same level then what motivates someone to give a larger support contribution?
Things aren’t free and far less stable when relied on to be paid by others, society is changing, the internet is changing, costs are rising.
Do I want to be the guy to always plug donations?
Seems I do as that’s what I’m doing, so to all those who are supporting members I salute you
To everyone else I ask you to please consider even just a small contribution, for our collective online future.
Most sincerely