fuk if it ever gave me words a first time
OK, NEW FUKERY…so now i try and read 2 encrypted messages and it says this:
The message could not be decrypted because your topic key is invalid.
Thats all covered somewhere in this thread, essentially if you loose your key any previous PM’s are lost as well, they need a key to read
But… you can PM whoever sent them and ask to be invited back in if you feel they were important.
I’ll check mine and do that with any from you
now how would i know that?
Yep, i gave up after a couple tries. shouldn’t be that complicated for a PM
That previous PM’s you read were important?
Depends, does P mean personal or private to you?
Because without encryption I 1000% guarantee your messages are not private.
So if what you meant to say was thank you for going to all the trouble to install and teach you how to use private messages you’re welcome.
how would i know? this whole thing was i couldn’t open them to read them
previous PMs were from the system bot
yes, thanks…but i ain’t done learning until it works
…and sorry for being so persnickety…tech frustrates the crap outta me…last week i got a ‘smart’ phone - and if it dtdn’t cost so much, it’d be at the far end of the range
Simple fix, type @sonny and follow the prompts, er, wait, I never named this one, did I?
Type @discobot and follow the prompts, he’s nowhere as cool as Sonny but will give you both a tutorial and an advanced tutorial on how many things work, just not the encryption
disce ut semper victurus, vive ut cras moriturus
Preaching to the choir, I don’t own a phone,
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
Same here. I gave up after a few tries. Never figured out what I’m supposed to do. I think I got a few PMs from Robert and maybe ArmedEyeDoc some time ago, but I could never access them because I’m a tech dummy.
If by tech dummy you mean older guy who likes guns you’re in good company
I’ve made it as easy as I currently can, first I make the notice scream important ,desktop;
Then created this thread with instructions on how to start over
And also reply as needed
Its not that I don’t understand or am not empathetic, to the contrary, the effort I put into this is for the users here.
I’d love to get into history and other topics
But it should be obvious what we’re up against even if not fully understood just how bad it truly is:
Do we need, or, are you even willing to have a discussion on ███ ██ ███████ █████ ████ █ █████ ███████ ███ ████ ██ █ ████ ██ █████ ██████ ███ ██ ███ █████ ██████████?
Encryption is here on sixguns, how many other platforms offer it at all?
Of the one or two you may be able to think of do they offer it to all users for free?
Telegram, an encrypted messaging service, just had its founder/CEO Pavel Durov arrested, why?
Because encryption is worthless?
Should a firearms community be apathetic to security?
“Plan for what it is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Oh, don’t get me wrong. I appreciate all the work you’ve done to ensure our privacy and security. Some of us, though, are too tech challenged to figure out how to use and take advantage of it.
Kind words thank you, but empty if my effort doesn’t motivate you to work through and conquer the problem.
What might help everyone is if you were to read through the fix provided, then add your opinion on how the instructions might be simplified, it could be I’ve complicated the issue, that’s where feedback is helpful.
Did you get it learnt?
if so can the process be explained better?
nope…i cut&pasted the exact phrase, and get the same result; when my brain rests up, i’ll give a running start, and try again
instructions may lack a step, i have no way of knowing
I created a test account, it still has this warning on the top
but when I scroll to the bottom to activate it reads
so it is active, but I don’t have the key to use until I hit generate key
in this case I did and it gave
plus the key to save
then you must hit “save” changes
If or when you need it again it will likely be when you try to read a PM, at that point I believe a pop up box prompts you to enter the key.
I’ve only had to do it a couple times, after system updates.
Like many, my encryption activated and I did not realize the 12 words was a thing. I was able to follow the instructions to reset the option. It works fine afterwards. I just can’t get the prior message that was sent to me before I did the reset.
Difficulty level 1-10?
I ðidnt have a problem yet.
3, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express…wait! I meant to say that I briefly work computer help desk 25 years ago.
ok that sounds reasonable so far thank you
going forward you’ll note encrypted PM’s open in a particular way, takes a moment, and will have this little guy present
All parties need to be encrypted or it simply will not be
When you get an email notification it will only read “A suppressed message was fired your way.” rather than send the message, a log in is required to read.
I tested with our third party transactional email provider and they can not be read, any other email sent though it I can read.
That’s separate from being admin, its literally part of the chain emails go through, that chain can be infinitley long as it travels through the web too, as all emails we send are.