My gun got rust on it for the first time. How do I clean it? The insides look fine.
WD40 and steel wool typically, given that area and the finish try a stout toothbrush first
0000 steel wool and oil will remove rust and not hurt the remaining finish.
I would agree with the above while adding that you may try WD40 with a soft cloth first. If it is superficial rust, it may come off with little abrasion.
Also, how do you get rust in AZ? There’s only 10% humidity on the bad days.
I would use Hydrochloric Acid and 60 grit sandpaper
…lol okay .Im kidding
Try your kitchen plastic dishes scour pad and Rem oil.
I would start with a CLP and a rag and progress to the HCL and 60 grit if that doesn’t work.
Carry gun with body moisture
Knew a guy in FL, one day he shares he carries, micro sig 1911, hands it to me to check out so I broke it down, lucky he shared it as the barrel had super thick rust, that could have been bad, I’ll bet he’s kept an eye on it after that
I knew a guy that carried a snubnose 38special and it had rust on it also
. I highly suggest parkerizing or cerakote if it will be carried on the body alot
Ok; i’ll bite. Where’s your rust at.