Howdy, y’all, been a minute or 2.
I finally broke down and got an “Official”
Barbecue gun & rig.
Waiting for some favorable weather to see how it runs.
Howdy, y’all, been a minute or 2.
I finally broke down and got an “Official”
Barbecue gun & rig.
Wow, that is awesome looking. very nice. a big congrats on that one.
Thanks, Brother. It was gonna be a new tattoo or a new gun.
You chose wisely.
Thats definitely a talking piece for sure… cant wait to see the results from the range session
guns are always more useful.
That’s more like a black tie affair pistol
Well, I like guns, I like good tatoos, I hate needles. Took me a short while to choose.
When I go, tatoos will have to go with me.
Maybe a purty pistol can be passed on?
45 ?
Yep, 45, as God meant it to be.
Now you need some purty, stainless mags. These are 8 rounders, but you can get 10 or 12,s as well. TRIPPRESEARCH.COM COBRAMAG HV, 8R-45- RG. Sticks out just enough from my springfield range officer compact to act more grip, not enough to give you away if your carrying concealed.
Thanks. Very nice. This new 1911 that I got
came with a shiny mag! However, I might be in the market for some new mags.
No one asks?
Spicy or mild?
What did this set you back?
If @58Marine says He got that for a song and dance I will get ill
I am sure He peeled out quite a few C-notes .
[quote=“Robert, post:13, topic:1296”]
What did this set you back?
It’s classified. Really don’t want the Wife to find out.
Make fun of me if you must, but my first Handgun was a 1911, well first one that i bought and owned, i built a few ARs before that. Anyways I still have that gun, I love it.
Nothing wrong with a 1911, I’ve got 2, my Range Officer Compact and Smith and Wesson Custom Shop sub compact. Both are easily concealed.
I currently have a full size Wilson Combat on my hip.
Them eye patients get rowdy eh?
Now @Belt-Fed you know,…lol its all fun and games until someone looses an eye