I received this today from Big Horn Armory makers of the 460 and 500 S&W premium lever action rifles. Please pass on and vote.
I have been a Benefactor/Life member of the National Rifle Association for decades. My house hold has 4 Life members. We have supported the NRA for decades. Like many of you, we stopped that support when the excesses of the former Executive Vice President and his administratior became known in recent years.
NRA membership is at its lowest levels in decades. Confidence in NRA is very low amongst gun owners. NRA is not doing the things it should be doing because of poor management at the executive level Buz Mills, Gunsite owner and current NRA board member, is spearheading an effort to remove existing board members who support the status quo and replace them with new board members who will get rid of the bad folks in NRA Executive suite and restore the NRA as the premier Second Amendment Advocate organization. We need the help of NRA Voting Members to make this happen
In January 2025, your NRA magazine will contain a ballot for election of he Board of Directors. The next page of this document has a list of the reform candidates. We need you to vote for these candidates and return your ballots as soon as possible. The deadline for receipt of the ballots is April 6, 2025.
Please pass this document along to any other NRA Voting Members you may know and ask them to vote for the reform candidates.
We did this last time and got several reform members in . Just not enough . the trick is to only vote for reform candidates and no others . Even if it means you only vote for three or four people .
The NRA is no different than our politicians or any group where power is centralized without appropriate oversight, is reform even possible?
Sure, if some good could be seen people would migrate back, but other groups have already begun to fill the void and the damage is done to where its highly unlikely the NRA will reform to resemble what it once was.
That’s part of the problem, leaders are elected, regular members can allow others to proxy their vote, those proxies are likely greatly abused to keep sincere people from being elected, so far as I imagine I’ve not been part of it for decades.
I, too, have been an NRA Life Member for decades. Always felt it was my responsibility as a gun owner to protect our 2nd Ammendment rights against encroachment. Haven’t always participated in the board elections and, when I did, it was most often by “rubber-stamping” the board’s recommended candidates. Given what has happened under LaPierre’s reign, I truly regret sleep walking through that era.
On the past few years, I have been contributing to Gun Owners of America (GOA), Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), and National Association of Gun Rights (NAGR) as viable alternatives. But, I haven’t given up on the NRA. Sure, it’ll take a while to right this ship, but it seems it’s heading in the right direction. Slowly, yes, but it can be done and cleaning up the Board is the first step. It won’t happen unless we, the members, participate.
Eh I’m only an NRA member cause family keeps getting me a membership as gifts. But if you want to support a real organization that actually is furthering gun rights i’d recommend Gun Owners of America and 2nd Amendment Foundation. They’re the organizations that are doing real ground work that the NRA has been slipping on doing for at least 20 or 30 years.
Agreed. Boots on the ground organzations. Our Elmer Keith foundation has raised over 100K for the NRA, last few years most of it has been going to SAF and a wolf management fund. F4WM
My father-in-law has been dead near a decade now and they still send him the magazine every month. Wife had the mail forwarded here and they never stopped, the NRA, a few “charities”, and politicians. still try to get his money. They will have to stop running with that crowd to be “reformed”…