Looks like Polymer80 may be going out of business?
Are there any other outfits that sell 80% Glock lowers?
Looks like Polymer80 may be going out of business?
Are there any other outfits that sell 80% Glock lowers?
Ok, a quick search came up with this:
Anyone have experience with them?
I continued with a cursory search, but only found this from Geisler Defence:
All of my other search results came up with Polymer80-branded lowers sold by a myriad of different companies. Some of them still showed the P80 lowers in stock, but if it’s true that P80 may be going out of business soon, then that stock is sure to dwindle pretty fast.
So the GST and Geisler Defence lowers are the only ones I’ve found so far that don’t appear to be rebranded P80 frames, but I could be wrong about that, and I’m guessing there may be other outfits out there selling their own 80% Glock-compatible frames that I haven’t found yet.
One of the companies that sells P80 frames also sells the Stealth Arms branded 1911 frames. But I don’t have the machining tools or skills to tackle that kind of build.
Here is a recent story about Polymer80.
Aw, man. I guess it’s true then.