New Member site filters

As a new member can only post a few replies first day, not sure if will be able to start a new topic this is a check of that.

Works, good.

Can’t post any replies yet but at least can edit this one.

This discourse system can be great but lot of filters can be annoying. Can be customized with many settings and automatic alert text changed to be more site specific.

Edit: Still have to wait 24 more minutes before can post new post, just wrote answer to this question:

Overall the default settings are probably fine as automatic filters for if you have significant volume of new people signing up, some of whom may want to just cause trouble or be annoying.

Challenge with recruitment I’ve found from launching my own site almost a year ago now is that many people just don’t seem interested in creating an account at a new site unless they need to or if I send a direct invitation have had few members sign up with that.

Anyway for you guys if you want to have specific filters to keep out some folks that may be best thing to focus on, such as myself I don’t even own any firearms so maybe I don’t belong here. Still some stuff to talk about may be able to purchase some guns at some point but those can be expensive.

I used to paintball still have an old paintball gun.


Thanks for pointing this out, I’m not much of a fan for these built in settings, I get the idea, to keep trolls under thumb, but there are other things that serve to guard against them, flags for instance

With what you’ve experienced and know what’s your recommendation for new user settings?


Don’t mind them those are the regulars :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

No need to take that attitude we understand how alien they can be, go buy one while you still can.

Society is geared up to control you, if you let it, firearms are pretty much the final stand before having that option may no longer be a choice.

Its complex, multifaceted and not to be taken lightly.

We have at least one member in your neck of the woods and he is big into networking so stick around maybe we can get you out exercising your rights :+1:


This site is gear toward helping a person learn about the shooting sports,personal protection, self defense practice,revolver hunting, all those type of peaceable activities and 2nd Amendment essential activities.
So you not currently owning is the perfect reason to be here . Talk and learn from some extremely smart and experienced individuals we have X military, police on here who are extremly knowledgeable. The only bad question is the one that was never ask. !!


That is great, was about to ask if there are many folks here on west coast or you guys are mostly east coast / inner states / Canada or where at?


I’m central MI, we’re fairly dispersed, I did try to reset a bunch of new user settings today too


Have heard Michigan is a good state, haven’t been there but have been to Chicago.

Good to be here.


Seattle. Streets are lined with gold here. (Just have to look under the poop.)


When speaking of firearms freedom and based on what I’ve heard of WA then I agree MI is better but it’s no place to head to if firearms freedom is the main choice, M go Blue is earned here

But latitude is similar, I’d bet our humidity is close also, its wet, green and lush in many areas, great lakes state and my area boasts 20 lakes in 20 miles, but politics suck, the state does a poor job of managing resources but a good job of eliminating them, water is no exception, big bottling companies are sucking ground water and surface levels are shrinking, many boat docks are no longer in water, I could go on



Construction still going strong, economy good. Lots of money to be made off these liberal ass hats.


Happy to hear you say that :+1:


That is my focus now launching new construction company, got license from state couple years ago but some difficulty establishing new company. Need surety bond + insurance for contractor license, with that should be able to get leads for house builds + civic buildings.

Plan to build miniature houses that can be moved by trailer/ship also. Anyway that would be different talk, not about member recruitment for you guys.


I heard that. :rage:


We can talk shop here. No harm.


Thanks, that is related to member filters also for have launched a discourse site like this plan to have more pro website one day can help.

Main challenge I have now is leads for work, a lot of people just want to pay low hourly wage for minor building repair but I really can’t afford to do that.

The discourse filters + trust tiers can be good for filtering out no good work leads to rattle out good leads. I’m glad to do building repair work but just no one call me a handyman, that is a really bad insult.


I have a friend who is retired military that started a handy man service here and charges $120 an hour and works by himself.He is covered up with work and has a good income for our area .


That is decent fee, starts to add up quickly if there are many hours.

I have difficulty working by the hour, it can make everyone rushed and anxious when there is a clock running with a price tag on time.

For building repair service or new construction I ask a commitment of $200 to be able to start a new project. That covers getting tools and materials prepped to be able to arrive at a work site, start work, haul away debris costs $183.38 a ton to surrender to the government.

Fuel and vehicle service can be a lot, have a couple older trucks and have invested a lot in new parts for those. Could help to have newer vehicle eventually. Local auto shop charges $145 an hour for service, so for 12 hours to replace timing chain is $2,000 in labor to install $120 in parts.


Im just getting to that point in life where I dont want to work :joy: so I have to agree with that.


I do all my mechanical work. I absolutely can’t bring myself to have shops fix my stuff. Do all my own brakes, oil and filter changes, and have done my my engine work …I just think rates are too high.


There is some work I can do but many tasks require specialized equipment that can be more expensive to purchase then to pay a shop for service.

One is exhaust line bending, that is a $10,000 tool shop might sell because no current employees even know how to use that.

May be able to replace timing chain kit but don’t have garage for that and not a good idea to take whole engine apart outside in driveway.

Know couple mechanics who don’t charge as much as shop rates, learning what I can from them. Need to replace front main seal and oil pump gasket for older truck that is fairly simple repair.