So I asked @Robert if he would make a surplus sub forum so we could talk about surplus guns as I have quite a number of them, this also includes like Historic firearms like WW1 Guns etc so Military Surplus, Police Surplus, whatever you got!
I had this Winchester P17 for a good number of years, recently gave it to a grandson when he bought his first house, he has a passion for the WWI stuff and has already got all the kit for it rounded up so he can make a display. He would always pick that rifle to shoot as a youngster, the history was worth the recoil for him.
My M14 (Yes it’s a polytech)
My YouTube Famous M1 Garand (Check out on YouTube - Mark Novak’s Garand Headspacing Video i’m in it and so is this Rifle.)
My M1 Carbine (I bought this as a bubba special and fixed it.)
My Type 53/M44 Mosin.
My Carcano (Yes it’s not pretty, but it doesn’t shoot great either.)
My Turkish Mauser
Finnish M-39 (Sako barrel). Small buck & a doe on two consecutice days. I also have a Russian M91/30, a British No 4 Mk 1/2 and a US .30 Krag. Also my Grandpa’s WWI service 1911.
Yeah I’ve got a Krag too.
I might have a couple.
Oh definitely as most FALs are built off of surplus parts kits, there are some new production or Imbel made ones, but I’d definitely count any FAL or L1A1 as a surplus rifle even if they were built from parts kits.
That’s my L1A1 FAL, if you recognize the workbench, you know who my gunsmith is.
Bonus points if you have the 30 round magazines like I do.
Is that a Valmet 76? Wanted one badly some years ago.