Howdy Yall

Howdy yall,

I found yall because I occasionally check out for JT’s articles.

I am active on several forums. Castboolits and THR as Bazoo, Singleaction, levergunscommunity as Levergunner.

I have 2 websites of my own. which is a library of cast bullets. I get sample bullets, measure them, take photos of them, and put them up for everyone to see. I’m also working on a casting and loading tutorial, along with some other pages of interest.

It really got started because I was collecting cast bullet samples so I could extrapolate data for Lee bullets, for which there is no data. Not an issue if you’re going to make medium loads in 38 Special, but if you want to have a better idea of the pressure when making maximum loads, then you need to know the used case volume as well as weight. I ended meeting a programmer, that became a close friend, and while learning programming I had the idea for BulletMatch. I am still learning programming, most of the credit for my site goes to my friend. is my other site, which is a blog site. I do a bit of writing, a few articles here and there. I’ve not had much time to spend on it lately.

I’ve been into guns since I was a kid, but I wasn’t allowed to own my own firearm other than a pellet rifle until I turned 18. I went hog wild trading and buying guns, and shooting like crazy as soon as I could. It became my all consuming passion.

I worshiped guns, and the 2nd Amendment freedom that came with it. It was so bad that I had no interest in driving, having a gf, or a life. I had a job so I could buy guns, and I had my mom take me to the gun store. I figured when society collapsed all that mattered was my guns.

I became a born again Christian at age 22 and that changed my whole perspective on guns and life. I sold all my guns, and didn’t have one for about a year. Then I got back into them, but with the intent to keep God first, and that guns were a great hobby, even a lifestyle, but they were not to interfere with or control my life in such a way that would be unpleasing to the Almighty.

As I started getting back into guns, my trading settled down quite a bit. I learned what I liked, which is a slow pace of plinking and target shooting, primarily with 22s, revolvers, and leverguns.

I became a Kentucky CCDW instructor and was licensed to give any type of firearms instruction in the state. I didn’t care for doing classes though, so I didn’t pursue it any farther.

I’ve always had a strong interest in the history of firearms, and in particular, cartridges. I’ve read most of several Cartridges of the World’s all the way through. You can see the obvious COTW influence in BulletMatch.

Right now the firearms I’m tinkering on are a new Winchester 92 in 44 Magnum, a Marlin 1894 Cowboy in 357 Magnum, a Winchester 94 in 30-30, and a Ruger Flattop Blackhawk in 44 Special.

I am quite interested in the history of cast bullets, as a whole, and individually, as I learn new details about different ones I add those tidbits to my pages or my notes if it’s for bullets I do not currently have on BulletMatch.

Anyways, I rambled enough.


Welcome from Shelby Co Ky


Thanks, Howdy neighbor, I’m in Hardin County.


I appreciate it, good into, I’d like to see more like it, both of your websites look good, do them yourself?


Love :heart: :heart_eyes: great site . I koad everything :joy:



It’s mostly my friend that done the programming on BulletMatch. I have done some, and I am doing 100% of the bullets/photos/articles/pages.

LeverGunner I did more, but it’s a lot less complicated. BulletMatch has a pretty substantial framework.


Thanks. I still got a lot to do on it, but I am hoping it’ll be a great resource for the reloading and casting community.




Greetings from Oregon, glad to have you. :crossed_swords: :cook: :coffee:


creeked your way on in :grin:



Welcome @creeker glad to have ya , #1 site rule
Watchout for @Belt-Fed …lol


Alright folks. How do I upload a picture for my avatar?


That feature we reserved for contributors to keep the lights on, maybe some day expand too, support other groups, SAF etc, giveaways, one day (member) at a time though :sunglasses:

If you’re able and would like to contribute the avatar unlock is immediate done through software, hope to see a shiny new avatar soon :hugs:


@LeverGunner its cheap around $6.00 a month to be a supporting member. Would love to have a knowledgeable member like yourself owning a piece of the pie :pie: also.


Sometimes I miss Oldham County, but then there are times that I don’t, like when I remember having to shovel snow every year.


I hust clean my sidewalk and a few walk pads and drive over the rest of it. I dont shovel like I used to . I used to shovel off the entire driveway… the heck with that . I just let the weather warm up and melt it off. Literally its been so cold the ice turned to gas and dematerialized and floated away :joy::joy::joy:


I don’t shovel too often. I will shovel just a small area at the road since the driveway is at a downward incline. We don’t have accumulation too often though.