How to Survive If the Power Grid Goes Down: Power Grid Failure Preparedness Guide

Report Highlights: Cyber attacks, natural disasters, solar flares, and crumbling infrastructure are all causes for concern to our power grid. Preparedness for these scenarios is key to survival.

  • A catastrophic power outage could last days, weeks, months, or even years.
  • Blackout survival encompasses combatting threats such as hunger, dehydration, the elements, and even people.
  • Between 2014 and 2023, 15,899 people died during self-defense situations involving firearms.
  • Mass shootings have resulted in 1,399 deaths since 1966.
  • Countries around the globe have been preparing for catastrophic cyberattacks on power grids since 2017.

Related Studies: How to Survive a Terrorist Attack | Living Off the Grid: These 8 Essential Off-Grid Living Tips Will Help | Cold Weather Preparedness strives to provide accurate information on a variety of topics. You can view the reliable sources used in this article HERE.

How to Survive a Catastrophic Power Outage

Blackout survival is something every American should familiarize themself with. Not only is a catastrophic power outage possible, but the threats that come with it would be formidable and unforgiving.

Catastrophic power outages have many causes and can last for long periods of time. Understanding what is happening and reacting accordingly will greatly improve your odds of survival.

Essentially, you should be prepared to replace every amenity and necessity in your life. From how you get water and food to how you react to threats, this guide covers every aspect of surviving a catastrophic power outage during long periods.

Chances of Power Grid Failure

A 2018 National Infrastructure Advisory Council report stated that a catastrophic power outage from a cyber attack could last days or even years. 4 Blackout survival preparation begins before the lights ever go out, and you should be prepared for prolonged outages.

Let’s review some reasons you may experience a catastrophic power outage.

Electromagnetic Pulse

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) would affect the power grid and most electronics. This type of catastrophe can be generated from a nuclear weapon detonated in low orbit. The result would be a brief burst of electromagnetic energy appearing as a high-frequency sine wave.

An EMP could take out the power grid for half of the entire country, or its effect might be more localized. Either way, we’re in for a massive shock if this happens.

Solar Flares

We often hear about solar flares, which can impact the power grid, electronics, and more. The process by which a solar flare would take out a massive chunk of the power grid is pretty much the same as an EMP, except it is a natural phenomenon. If the sun decides to send off large solar flares, then there’s no way we can stop it.

Solar flares have happened before. In 1989, a solar flare knocked out the power for millions of Canadians for nine hours. How likely is this to reoccur? Some scientists have speculated that this “when, not if” situation is more likely than an EMP attack.

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Great article, can never put to much prep into things like this :+1:


I always fly by the seat of my pants :jeans: :crazy_face:, but the farm has several springs and free gas and I could always shoot me a deer or 2 for survival. I think I would manage either that or just plant some flowers on me after they throw the dirt on me .


but if everyone is out shooting a deer or two how long is the supply going to last?
Generators, solar and thinking about a small wind mill.


Wife and I watched

Which is based on the The Black Autumn series of books

add in these too knowing an author or two

The movie left us both saying we need to up our game with prepping, would like to get some cattle ourselves, seeing how the deer are so few these days, thanks to state management, like the fish, well, and now eggs too, hmm, and the trees, I better quit thinking on what the state manages or the list may just go on and on and on and…

I do recommend the movie :slightly_smiling_face:


Seen that advertised and I like that Actor He is a stand up kinda guy with morals and a Christian.


Not to spoil it in any way, but the take away IMO is people, all people, are the real asset/value, once we realize and cooperate accordingly we will be unstoppable, but that has to be for the betterment of all and giving glory to God.

Satan had said

We shall ye shall be as gods, thought to be a lie, yet God said

man is become as one of us, gods.

Then the people united

and sought to challenge God, so the people were divided, because united

nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do

We need to imagine as Christ commanded, to love one another, when we can do that we will do more than survive, live or prosper, we will realize the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand as we were told

problem is, not much repenting is going on, as to winners and losers, the exact numbers, a closely guarded secret

so, who knows?

And with that, Ozzy plans to contribute to one last concert July 5th, and if you know anyone taking Ozempic, take a look at Sharon in the photos and video and warn them to stop


As the data pours in the propaganda machine goes into overdrive, everyone wants a cut before it crashes, never seen so many rolls of fat getting a shot on my tv and I don’t watch msm! I’m amazed it has gotten this far but then the scamdemic acceptance surprised me as well so I guess obvious means something different to me. My sister used the crap “for migraines” after I had already explained the bone loss and pancreases damage, she has always been the barbie type. Ended up with a couple days in the hospital, severe abdominal pain, Dr there said don’t take it again. Dr that gave it to her said it wasn’t related, and gets away with it, unless she gets some special deal that shot didn’t put $5 in her pocket as the “Dr”, street corner drug pushers have better margins to work with and better quality control!
As I drank and smoked my way around Germany in the mid 80’s I remember them asking me why we let advertisers do whatever they want… hindsight makes the topic clear now.


No , it is means He understood right and wrong not that He became a god

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Doctors are just drug dealers with student debt.


A small windmill and pump on a shallow water well has been on my wish list also and if not a windmill just the well even a hand pump in an emergency would be enough. I have a generator , but I want to convert it to natural gas .

I say they are just drug dealers with a license