Gun Ownership Statistics Colorado 2025: Trends & Numbers

Report Highlights: Gun ownership in Colorado has declined by 3% since 2013. However, the number of firearms purchased has increased.

  • There are at least 7,758,000 million firearms in Colorado.
  • In Colorado, there are 1.2 firearms per resident.
  • Household gun ownership in Colorado decreased from 50% to 45% from 1990 to 2023.
  • 7% of Coloradans report carrying a firearm daily.
  • The average Colorado gun owner has between 4 and 5 firearms.
  • 72% of the state’s 1,004 firearm-related deaths in 2023 were suicides.

Related Data Studies: How Many Gun Owners Are in America? | Concealed Carry Crime Stats: 2024 | Worst States to be a Gun Owner. strives to provide accurate and reliable information on a variety of topics. You can view the sources used in this article HERE.


The following sections cover a wide array of firearm statistics in Colorado based on all available information regarding firearm ownership and purchases.

Firearm ownership in the U.S. isn’t tracked or monitored. We therefore relied on self-reporting surveys to understand how many residents own firearms in Colorado. We used background check data to analyze how many firearms are purchased in the state, and then cross-referenced that information with local and national totals to understand the average number of firearms per person there.

Data presented in this article probably underestimates gun ownership in Colorado. Private sales, transactions involving more than one firearm, and untruthful self-reporting all skew our data to the left.

How Many Guns Are in Colorado?

There are approximately 7,758,000 firearms in Colorado.

According to recent surveys, 33% (1,939,740) of Colorado residents own at least one firearm. 2 According to recent reports, 3.7 million firearms were sold in the state between 2012 and 2022. 1

Colorado has a population of 5,878,000. 4 The state has approved an annual average of 372,491 background checks for firearm purchases since 2012. This does not include private sales, or sales where the purchaser bought more than one firearm. Based on past sales and survey data, there are more than 7 million firearms in the state.

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And Colorado keeps passing more stupid gun laws.


Since most of these lawmakers realize they can’t fix evil or stupid, they try to legislate the supply instead, which as we know doesn’t really work. There’s a scene from Blackhawk Down, in the the mess hall, where a ranger captain stops a delta force operator whose weapon is hot; the delta soldier replies holding up his finger, This Is My Safety.
The lawmakers don’t have an answer too fixing the person. God, however does, it’s called death and the fear of death. Thank our founding fathers for recognizing an armed citizenry would be a self regulating mechanism. :coffin: :gun:
We really need some serious gum emoji’s, AR’s, pistols, hunting rifle, etc.


I meant to say gun.


Wrigleys, bazooka joe?

There is an edit option and I think five minute grace period where it’s not even logged as having occurred, I forgot what we named our tutorial bot, anyone else remember?

Wait, its @Sam , just follow the prompts, and yeah, we need more emoji’s and to block a ton of the garbage ones, somewhere there’s a thread on what people want to add, maybe Sam knows :grin:


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @sam display help.


The lawmakers don’t want to fix the person. If anything, they would rather govern a stupider, more impulsive, and more violent population, as doing so would entitle them to extend their influence over private life. It’s not enough to run the world as a prison. They specifically want it to be a high-security prison.


That would go contrary to laws being made to be broken :nod:

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