So after all these years finally broke down and got a 1911
You definitely posted a classic nice piece . I love my Revolvers but 1911 is right on its heels
Very nice.
too bad it’s only a 1/2 scale
other then not having a firing pin or a drilled through barrel it is a pretty precise replica of a 1911
comes with the extra small bits that You will lose the moment you take it apart
It loads and ejects the cartridges, takes down exactly like the real steel, has a functioning grip safety etc.
Ya had me fooled.
He had my respect for a moment too, I was about to ask what year and suggest new grips as they looked really cheap.
Other than that its a good repro or w/e
Bad , badboy , go get in your cage and lay down !!!
I’ve got a real one that my Grandpa carried in WWI. He stayed on with the Army of Occupation in Germany for a year.
Nice I like the pig sticker Too.
Nice, we need a veteran thread or category of some sort
I like that too
Great buy! The 1911, despite being more than 100 years old, is still a relevant pistol. Its design is the basis of just about every auto loading pistol. The “modern” Sigs & HK’s all use the sliding/tilting mechanist to reload a round. Only the lock-up has changed, and that only slightly for more efficiency. I think you will enjoy your new weapon.
Oops! Looks like you got me too.