Explanation needed đź’ˇ

Yesterday I noted a light bulb putting off maybe 20% of its light, so pulled it out and …

What in the hell?

It remained lit from the base for perhaps 30 seconds, how are these new bulbs constructed to allow such a thing to happen?


The LED driver stores a small bit of electricity, kinda like a capacitor does.


Never heard of one, why don’t we see this normally?

Don’t have much LED experience but thought they just went kaput when they were dead and sure never expected a zombie light.


LEDs are driven from DC current. The driver needs to convert AC to DC. So, all but the very cheapest and lowest-quality LED bulbs will have some sort of conversion circuit inside. To smooth out the AC voltage and reduce flicker, these driver boards usually have capacitors and inductors.

Capacitors and inductors are typical in filter applications, but they also store energy. So, if the capacitors and inductors are not drained quickly, it’s possible for them to continue supplying current to low-power components like LEDs for some time. The more powerful the flicker reduction, the longer the LEDs will stay powered.


Yeah @musashiaharon sounds like he was up on that … UH I was going with … MAJIC !!! :man_mage:


I was looking for a conspiracy :woozy_face:



Well, back in 2008 Obama said he was outlawing all incandescent bulbs and replacing them with LED bulbs. Then magically Obama got rich quick . It is probably because He took a big payoff from the “Green Wheenies” to kill incandescent bulbs so they could push those worthless dim LED bulbs.


Thank you, and yes, people can lobby for laws that require an industry change that does make them rich, stupid vent less gas cans for example, people spill more gas now than ever before

Meanwhile asshats that got rich never have a need to use a gas can :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I went and got me one of those steel gas cans with the squeeze handle and long nozzle l. They are about 85-100.00 but worth every penny I do have a small plastic can though for the chainsaw and weedeater.

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