I found these audios I’ve linked to off my site. Well worth hearing Elmer’s voice
Library of Congress no less, have to give those a listen at some point, good share
We have his 1969 Tanzania safari tapes around here somewhere.
I didn’t know there was any others. I’d love to hear them.
Last we discussed they were for supporters, Stan was the last to acquire a hard copy and digital is all we have now,they would need to be emailed, I’ll try to upload a zip file to the supporter area, but, as I recall the audio was poor and I’d hate to see anyone donate just for those as I think it would be a disappointment, from my recollection.
edit, I did upload and asked for comments from supporters
@albroswift knows the history of those recordings, perhaps can share here too?
The audio is fine for something recorded on a portable compact cassette in a jeep in the the middle of Africa in 1969, banged around in a glovebox for 40 years, copied on my twin deck cassette, and then transferred to compressed digital audio. Whadayawant!
Feel free to share.
Didnt I buy a CD off you @albroswift with that on it
That was pretty cool wasa good listen . Delivering the paper on horseback
@Robert the audio of the MP3’s is fine listened for several minutes sounds good .
After what I heard from Al
I think we should be charging more for the nostalgia
Ok @LeverGunner , its available in the supporters private lounge just waiting for you
Thanks, I won’t be becoming a supporter though.
You may have, my memory sucks, but if you got it from me, This is what you got.
How about a small donation? All the donations before I contributed the files to the site went to the Elmer Keith Acorn Fund. That reached the self sustaining status a few years back so now funds we raise go to NRA Foundation or CCRKBA or F4WM or this site, donor’s choice.
They were hunting, maybe trying to be quiet. Probably left the Sound Check Best Boy, Audio Technicians and Key Grips back at the resort.
Ironically I was just rereading the plain writing act of 2010 before logging on here, as such I need to address that statement.
Things I do at 5am
Yes, our goal is supporting 2A, yes, you (Albert) have organized and directed significant fundraising $$ to that cause, truly commendable.
But at the moment any funds raised though the system and links here go to basic needs, domain expenses, hosting, email services, this software runs on email which is not sadly as simple as having a Gmail account, we are fortunate to not have any shortages in the red thanks to supporting members but we are not yet in the black enough to contribute anything to other 2A causes.
That said, if anyone wants to post seperate links for those causes please do.
I just want to make it clear the current support group is not at the level of supporting other groups, i.e. plain writing
And @LeverGunner you too may post any links you have that relate to supporting your operations
Bearings, hub, spokes, rim, everything is connected.
Just trying to suck in a few bucks for the site. In 20 years no one has complained about the quality, and we’ve put a lot of copies in the mail. I just don’t have time to mess with the copy and label equipment any more. If your point is we need to keep the lights on here as first priority, I’ll word the history lessons differently in the future.
Just so long as keep telling them, you’re a bridge to the past and we need to know what you know, right now the best info is on FULL30 blog and that’s a bit sketchy
Lights on is great, video side needs more attention, software seems to be improving so I’m optimistic
I know everyone supports different gun rights organizations, NAGR,GOA, NRA, etc etc… so yes please any and all links for donations to each different group fighting for our right is an A++ idea .
But I also highly encourage others to consider becoming a monthly supporter. Its $6.00 I spend more than that nearly everyday at the gas station. And it is only 1 time a month please consider supporting Sixguns. If you dont know where to go ask we will post a link or send the link in a direct message to you … Thanks so much and lets all keep fighting the good fight for freedom and our God given rights.