No we are loosing population.
Natures brush mower
Looking better every time! The use of goats sounds like a good idea. Beats riding a mower all day.
Man, I figured as scenic as WVA is, the remote workers would be moving in and buying up the whole state.
Nope not at all. @equin I think alot of the reason is its so rural. Alot of the roads are 2 lane with exception of 48,79,77,70 (Across the northern panhandle) &50 and even 50 for a big part through the mountians is 2 lane. Beyond those major highway lays many many miles of dirt gravel and 2 lane poorly maintained so called “secondary highways”
Alot of people dont want to live in a place where a 64miles trip takes 1:40 minutes.
I site that as a soecific example. Because I have a site 64 miles from the house and it takes me 1:40min to get to work and back home every day. I am literally on a section of 4 lane highway for 9 miles out of 64miles.
We have blacktop out here by the farm but the roads are only 1 1/2 lanes wide. 2 1/2 miles to the 2 lane.
Where I grew up it was paved single lane and 3.5 miles up the road went to gravel. Cause the pavemnt stopped at the bus drivers house. Many roads here are just as you discribe 1.5-2 lane and single lane , gravel and dirt.
One of my favorite things up here, we’re loaded with two tracks and dirt, I live on dirt and can take dirt for 30 of the 40 minutes it takes to get to home depot, last house across state was about the same, one disappointment in the UP was lack of dirt roads, largely I suspect simply due to lack of people meant the roads they did have got paved
Now, dirt roads do suck, wash out in a heavy rain, dust monsoon in dry weather, vehicles always filthy, two tracks suck worse, never get graded and bumpy, but I still love em and grateful to live on one, rural rules
If it ain’t dirt I’m on its still typically a narrow back road, can still avoid their traffic cams on those, we have those stationed along a lot of our highways just in the middle of nowhere too, nothing like a spy station in the sticks
@Robert you owned a 4 wheel drive vehicle ?
Very rare I don’t, my preference is for lifted diesel 4x4’s
I really live a diesel have had 2 through the Years. The only problem I had with em is they dont do well in really soft material. The front end wants to sink all the time. The ither thing I encountered is trying to go around a hill sideways was never a good idea as the heavy front end wanted to slide down the slope .
You should get ya a jeep.
If I had your money that would be easy
Dont do it . You know jeep stands for “just empty every pocket” .
Shoot ,… if I had your money I tear down my house , build a new one and then throw a huge shindig complete with a bluegrass band and a dancing floor full of pretty women ! And enough food that even whoopi Goldberg couldn’t eat it all.
No the remote work types never came in illegal form although some companies here are hiring Hondorans and Mexicans with legal passports on laboring crews to clean silt fencing for environmental controls and for installation of Geo-Grid.
27 posts were merged into an existing topic: Politics and religion
We’re just following custom and tradition when we derail threads!
Hey fellows I moved the rest of the comments over to the politics and religion thread . I’m just as guilty on this thread …lol just trying to do a little re-railing. Thanks Folks
I’ve always considered allowing derails as a sort of signature of freedom
Stan is our single largest contributor …
He pays for the right to correct derails…
I can only think of two things to do in this situation, retreat, and regroup
I was thinking this morning on how expensive it has got to camp at state parks . anywhere from 27-32 dollars a night for sites with electric and water , very few offer primitive sites as nearly all have been upgraded. Now national forest camping is the cheap route 5 dollars a day on a honor system.( place money in envelope stick in a box envelopes are provided) Bad is maybe a vault toilet and/or porta jon on sites . No water no electric and no cell service. Safety considerations are a must when camping in these areas. Starlink Mobile or a satellite phone which I feel is a good option or a Espot or something for safety. @equin @ArmedEyeDoc does Texas have similar situations where no service exist if an emergency happens ?