A few moments later

Seriously guys where does a year go?


Hope a lot of the old guys see that. A bunch have already filtered in here. Which is fantastic like old times :roll_eyes::thinking::joy:


Full30 was cool , time really does fly though. I sort of drifted off prior to it closing doors but really it’s not a surprise the newer social media platforms have but killed off old school forums.

Still pretty cool to see some familiar faces


Honestly I don’t think its quite that simple

I just did a month on X, that’s my “social media” experience other than forums

What I seen was sad, actual interaction like this was about nil, an infinite scroll of posts and comments

Posts are redundant as everyone wants to be the bringer of news to their followers, so its about self gratification rather than useful information, which doesn’t last as it runs on a current timeline , you must put out new to remain relevant, if you don’t you are knocked off the top of the shit pile.

Many people won’t follow back, it berates them to be followers, your status as a monarch is established by being followed, not following, pheasants follow

Back to the sad part :face_with_spiral_eyes:

This self gratification is like crack, ironically I was watching AMC’s Preacher last night and a preacher would lock people in a covered cage in his garage to help them get off their addictions, he mentioned a few, heroin, crack, twitter …:laughing:

It was added in a comical way except its not really funny, this is how void people are, this, in bulk is what civilization has become, so when you see forums empty its a sign of a bigger personal void in people, and they don’t seem to self correct either, hence, the need for a cage :grimacing:

I actually wonder if Elons buying X and giving people a place to rant isn’t by design, when “dumb angry mobs take to the streets” they’ll need a rally cry, someone to point to the enemy en mass

One of the infowars hosts yesterday said if they have to give up the infowars name (in the bankruptcy) they should relaunch as retardwars as the fight is with intellect,or, lack of


I much prefer forums TBH. Discord is ok for bullshitting but less useful for any sort of asking questions, it very much feels like I am pounding energy drinks when using it


9 posts were split to a new topic: What is current with what is past

i agree…due to some convoluted events, i ended up owning a server on discord and guilded…mostly bullshitting.
if i post, it’s on gab
dunno how i got an invite, but i do have a hankering for 6shooters


had to buy it…38cal


Yes you did :grin:

Share if you like, may be some discorders among us


wot? like you have a deficit of bullshitting?


wife & i going out to the range tomorrow…new phone, so no guarantee of pics


remember - Bullwinkle was immune to goof gas

oh noes, for a minute ther i thought i was out of dill pickles for a bloody mary…hah, wife saved me, dug in the pantry, a pulled out a jar…now back to doing fukall

“Did you ever notice the guy in the Operation game was awake?”


Didn’t know that, but I was always hung up on Natasha