I figured it was time. Lets just call it preventive maintenance. Thats how I think its made it this far , been down lots of bumpy roads these last 4 yrs.
What is that tower for ?? Communication tower ?
Looks very town local ugh …at least there is a tree or 2 there.
If you have to build a crane you may have a fairly decent size project on your hands
I used to climb towers much higher than that one.
Mornin remnants of Full30 and Sixgunners
Lol, a surviving trace , or a left over piece of carpet , well I will be a trace because we are trying to leave a new mark here with the renewed and revised sixguns. You should consider becoming a contributing member here.
Its cheaper than you think.
RIP Jimmy Carter, died today at 100. A man who left the world a better place than the one he entered.
I literally have zero guns at the moment and have not shot one in a long time,I am damn near a liberal.
All kidding aside maybe if I ever get a chance to get back into guns I will have something to post about besides a few crude immature jokes. I just like seeing the familiar faces around, all good people. I really like the place and hope you can get it up off the ground and give like minded folks a place to discuss firearms.
Too much serious talk for me though, now I am off to post pro-Biden propaganda.
Mornin Yall.
Headed to Virginia for a week or so.
Top O’ the Mornin’ to ya Sir’s!!
Order/build yourself one of these
You won’t be able to sell it
Going to visit Stan?
Hows your zombie currency going?
Your, crypto currency?
Damn I walked right into that one
Totally tanking
Oh you know he has a pink gun, a my little pony gun at that.
Would definitely be less threatening looking for the zombie apocalypse