The one I had was a 44mag and shot like a dream there was nothing withing 70 yards that wasn’t biting the dust.
I like how you mentioned lead and jacketed …I remeber reading years ago that keeping at least a full cylinder of jacketed bullet loads to shoot last after a range session was one of the best ways to remove alot of lead from the barrel.
Now I am casting with Rotometal’s hardball mix
which is supposed to mimic Lyman #2 mixture … and has a bhn of 16 I water quench probably giving me 18-20bhn
Honestly I want some obturation of ths bullet to the lands and grooves for accuracy purposes but I am still getting lead Buildup.
My last range session was extended and I threw 47 rounds down range… upon cleaning the revolver I realized I had a fair amount of lead in the barrel… not enough to affect accuracy but just extremely difficult to completely remove.
I have yet to load myself any jacketed bullets. But after that last marathon cleaning session I remembered about ths jacketed bringing the lead out …
Is that what your doing the jacketed for ?
I know thats what I will be doing from here on out…
I don’t cast, got so many other things going on just no time. Several of us have great luck with the lead Keith style from Xtreme, not much leading at all pushed to the max with H110. Fairly accurate as well.
Also ended up with a lot of the Hornady #4300 265 Interlocks before they discontinued them in favor of the rubber tipped FTX 265’s, grabbing good deals on Ebay and GB over the years, excellent carbine round out of the Winchester 94, Henry, and the Ruger Semi Auto, and fun to shoot out of the SRH as well.
$5.85 for a box of Boolits … Dangit … thats super cheap …lol I need to find me a deal like that !!!
Additionally @albroswift
I would load some old brass for you. If you arent interested in that and dont already have a place you get rid of them. I would purchase 44 brass from you …I have all the dies etc.
.38,.357,44special,44mag, .454,.460,.222,.243,.30-06,.308 and I think .45colt plus a few more.
Thats an old box, that’s for sure.
I’d like to try some of your hard casts sometime. Eventually I’ll start casting myself, when I’m not busy lasering, milling, cerakoating, reloading, shooting, vinyl cutting, smoking, Jerking, bbqing, hunting, fishing, and working full time. Come to think of it, the working full time may be the problem…
Remember, rotate your stock…
Lol thst post cracked me up thats how I feel alot of times…
Cant wait to quit working full time. 52 now and see no end in site
Lol that post cracked me up thats how I feel alot of times…
Cant wait to quit working full time. 52 now and see no end in site
@albroswift what caliber and weight you want I will make some and send to you.
And plain base or Gas Checked base ? Plain base up to 1200-1300fps. OVER 1300fps loads should get a gascheck.
I have a fair amount of 44 brass … and I only use H110 or WW296 . (Same powder since 2009) I tried 2400 it shot well but was dirty as heck.
That would be awesome. 240gr-250gr for 44 special so no GC. Usually use TG in the special loads.
You know what they say about TG …a little goes a longway
Titegroup for 44spl. Load
240gr bullet over 4.0grs, Vel - 758, CUP - 9,400. Max charge is 4.8grs, Vel - 862, CUP - 13,100.
Hodgdon cowboy reloading.
In the special i do up to 5.7 behind the 240 for range work, 4.4 for IPSC, 3.8 for steel plate league (extreme plated bullets), in the mag got a nice reduced recoil with 8gr, super accurate nice SDs .