lol, and now Matrix
Is that Space invaders on Atari ???
When It happens please let me know so I can get in on the hunt !!!
" I have not failed I’ve just found 10,000 ways that wont work."
Thomas Edison
Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, this time more wisely." Henry Ford
These are some older pics from about '84.
Took a trip to S.W. Texas with a Marine bud who was from that area. We went for coyotes but only got 1. I nailed 2 feral hogs with the 22-250. This 1 ran for about 25 yards.
Also got this Javelina with the Gold Cup.
I got a slew of hunting and fishing pics. i done posted all the newer ones on full30. i will post some older ones here later. i was a young man back
Did ya eat all that ?? Thats a lot of pig !!
I was in Virginia traveling and stopped at a large road side market. The store was selling vacuum seal salted pork. His slogan was
If you like Swine try mine !!
So I did bought some brought it home and it was delicious…
Thats a massive beast too !
Man, @Belt-Fed lots of nice bucks in there. What did you take those with ?
Nope, i left that stinkin sucker for the buzzards and yotes. it charged me at about 25 yards. i put several holes in him from a 224 Valkyrie.
Various calibers, mostly ar15’s and Ar10’s. and what’s the deal you can’t make 3 post in a row?
I seen the pic with the gun leaned up against it .
My guess is it didnt finish uploading